Just another sample

Share with us it is free! Use our forms above to send your information, there is no sign-up required. However, if you want people to find you, you should include as much information about you or your organization as possible.

123Wee is new, so be sure to let us know how we are doing and how we can improve.


Thank you.



Youth Events in Auburn, Grass Valley, and Nevada City

Welcome to 123Wee!

This is a sample article. Be the first to get involved. Use the links at the top to contribute events, articles, and more.

Here is a list of how you can get more involved with our site.

  • Use the “Contact Us” page to send us suggestions, feedback, and to become a writer for our site
  • Use the “Having an Event?” link (under Contact Us) to submit your event
  • Use the “Suggest an Article” link (under Contact Us) to request that we post an article on a certain topic (an event, an individual, etc.). You are encouraged to send us pictures and/or a link to a video for greater visual impact.

Don’t forget to spread the word and use the “sharing” buttons to share via Facebook or other social networks.

Thank you!
